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- Mighty Moringa Salve
Mighty Moringa is a herbal salve made to live up to its name and be MIGHTY!
When formulating this salve we wanted to both highlight/amplify moringa benefits. If you didn't know moringa is a skin-loving herb, that's high in antioxidants. antioxidants help protect and shield your skin by fighting free radicals and defending against environmental stressors.
Like our other fabulous salve, this herbal balm is made to aid and soothe the skin.
This salve in particular is comprised of many anti-inflammatory ingredients to calm inflamed skin and joints. This combination of moringa, neem, plantain, butter, and oils makes a wonderful balm. Our salves are versatile so they can be used as both a spot treatment and moisturizer. Its fresh bergamot and mandarin fragrance will brighten your mood.
Shea Butter
Coconut Oil
Olive Oil
Hemp Seed Oil
Neem Oil
Essential Oil